Welcome to CS21 Kaihara Laboratory - the System Planning Laboratory!
We will introduce our research activities here.
Our research activities are related to 3 major academic areas, Systems engineering, Informatics and Industrial management, as you can see in the figure on the right. We promote researches mainly based on Systems engineering, also making various studies on Informatics and Industrial management.
In our laboratory, there are 3 groups as follows:
 Research area and keywords |
Objective |
With the aim of higher productivity in manufacturing industry, this group makes studies on various systems which enable products to be made more efficiently with less production costs. Besides, through several collaborations with industry experts, focusing on practical situations in manufacturing shop floors, we seek for innovative production systems which employ scientific methods instead of traditional methods based on skill or craftsmanship.
Approach |
In order to realize the production scheduling and its operation which is robust, and at the same time, flexibly adaptable to increasingly complex manufacturing environment, we propose and verify the system planning/operation techniques making use of various optimization methods based on social negotiation mechanism.
Key Words |
System optimization, Manufacturing system simulation, Multi-Agent systems, Production scheduling, Production control, Inventory control, Device control, Logistics, Supply-Chain Management (SCM)
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Objective |
In this group, we focus on various social systems in our daily life, from which we extract theories of system planning/operation, and systematize them. By trying to appropriately apply the systematized theories to decision-making and policy-making in actual social systems, we seek realization of efficient social systems.
Approach |
With the aim of theorizing the behaviors of social groups and the application of the obtained theories, we propose several optimization methods with social scientific multi-agent concept, such as Market-Oriented Programming (MOP) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and verify diffusing models for products and services with complex networks.
Key Words |
Complex system, System optimization, Multi-Agent systems, Complex networks, Service engineering, Virtual market, Transportation / Logistics system, Recycling system, Electricity market, E-commerce
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Objective |
In recent years, for the purpose of improving the QOLiQuality Of Lifejof patients, minimally invasive treatments are performed which reduce patientsf physical, psychological and economical strains. The goal of this group is to develop surgical instruments and diagnostic equipment which enable minimally invasive surgeries with maximally therapeutic efficacy based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), one of the tomographic imaging systems.
Approach |
In this group, studies are carried out focusing on two methodologies: Thermotherapy which provides cancer treatments without conventional surgical procedures; Magnetic Resonance (MR) endoscope for supporting endoscopic gastrointestinal surgeries.
Key Words |
Medical engineering, Image processing, Surgical support system, Minimally invasive treatment, MRI, Thermotherapy, Endoscope, Research and development for new medical instruments
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